Tips To Preventing And Fixing Septic Tank Flooding

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Ten years ago when we purchased our home, we decided to make a few changes. We wanted to rip up the carpet and replace it with dark hardwood, and we loved the idea of repainting the entire space. However, since we didn't know that much about construction, we decided that it would be in our best interest to work with a professional contractor. We worked with an expert who seemed to know the ropes, and he was amazing to work with. This blog is all about improving your construction experience by working with the right professional. You never know, the right person could take your project from drab to daring.


Tips To Preventing And Fixing Septic Tank Flooding

9 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Septic tank flooding is a leading cause of worries for many homeowners. An overflowing tank will often cause problems such as wastewater backup to your faucets, foul smelling drains and the need for premature septic pumping. Septic flooding can also lead to pressure buildup within the tank walls, leading to costly damage. Here is a look at several causes of septic tank flooding and how you can fix or prevent them.


One of the leading causes of a flooded septic tank is a clogged up inlet or outlet pipe. The effluent level inside a septic tank should be at the level of the outlet pipe so that it can be discharged safely into the soakaway as more wastewater from the sewers comes in.

In some cases, foreign materials such as fats and tissue could block the outlet pipe, preventing effluent from getting discharged properly. This would lead to both the septic tank and incoming waste drainage pipework flooding. Septic tank contractors can use drainage rods to clear such blockades and prevent water backups into the home or damage to the tank.

To prevent further clogging, you should avoid putting products such as melted fat, dairy products and antifreeze or motor oil down your drains, sinks or toilets, as they can easily clog up your septic tank dip pipe.

You should also keep pesticides, preservatives, weed killers or fertilizers out of your sewers, as they affect the microbial activity responsible for the breakdown of solids in the septic tank, increasing the chances of blockages. Dishwasher tablets and washing powders containing sodium should also be used sparingly, as they can cause drainfield failure.

Physical damage

Septic flooding may also be caused from the physical damage of the receiving soakaway pipework. This is especially common in older sewer systems which use soakaway systems that are constructed using clay wear pipes which are susceptible to damage as a result of ground movements. To prevent such damage, avoid moving heavy machinery over the soakaway, and have old, degraded drainage pipes replaced with modern ones that are less susceptible to damage.

Roots of trees near your soakaway can also infiltrate and crush/block the pipes, reducing the ability of effluent from being displaced from your septic tank. A septic tank repair contractor can be called in to inspect the area around the soakaway for infiltrating roots as well as repair damaged pipework.

The two tips above can help keep your sewer system in tip-top shape and prevent septic tank flooding that would result in a wide variety of problems. For more information, contact local professionals like Claggett & Sons Inc.